
Rose Hill Marple
(1869 - )

Rose Hill Marple also called Marple Rose Hill station was on the 11-mile Macclesfield Committee (MC) railway linking Macclesfield and Marple and was opened as the Macclesfield, Bollington & Marple Railway (MB&MR) on August 2 1869

When Rose Hill opened it was in a sparsely populated area to the west of Marple. Originally, the line was single-track and the platform was located on the east side of the line. Access was via a sloping path that connected the platform to Stockport Road. The station building was an austere single-storey brick building with a pitched roof that extended forward as a platform canopy, supported by a series of wooden brackets

Accommodation consisted of four rooms all entered from the platform - a porters’ room, the station office with a booking window to the adjoining general waiting room-cum-booking office, a ladies’ room with toilets and a brick-built gents’ toilet

Rose Hill had goods facilities in the form of a yard located south of the station. Initially, it consisted of a single siding which terminated beside a loading bay. To the south of the goods yard were three sidings that served Tym's Rose Hill Brickworks

In 1871, the line was doubled at a cost of £16,000 and an extra platform was provided at Rose Hill which became the down (Marple direction) while the original platform handled the up trains. As with the up platform, this one was also connected to Stockport Road by a sloping path. Access between the platforms was via timber plank crossings

When the line opened there were four trains in each direction on weekdays and two on Sunday and by October 1875 Rose Hill had six trains in each direction Monday to Friday, seven on Saturday and four on Sunday. By 1938, Rose Hill had 11 up and 18 down trains on weekdays. However, with the outbreak of the Second World War on September 3 1939, there was a drastic reduction in services. After the war, the service had recovered and the summer timetable for 1947 showed 13 trains to Macclesfield Central. There were extra services on Saturdays and 6 trains in each direction on Sundays

Line closure hearings ended in March 1967, but matters progressed slowly and it was not until June 1969 that closure was consented to but Rose Hill (Marple) station was reprieved. The line between Rose Hill Marple and Macclesfield closed completely on January 5 1970 and track-lifting had been completed by March 1971
