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Prestatyn to Dyserth Railway
(1905 - 1930)

There were deposits of lead ore and haematite at Dyserth as well as numerous limekilns. The heavy products were conveyed at the time to market by means of the River Clwyd, but the transhipping put the businesses at a disadvantage compared with their rail-connected rivals

The line opened to goods and mineral traffic on September 1 1869 and shortly afterwards an intermediate goods station at Meliden was opened

Toward the end of the Victorian era, and in the Edwardian period, tourism developed rapidly, and Dyserth Castle and the waterfalls at Cwm became important tourist destinations. In response, the LNWR started a passenger service on the branch from August 28 1905, using a steam railmotor

In 1919 there were eleven journeys each way, weekdays only

The train services were well used, but by the later years of the 1920s road bus services were considered to be much more convenient and railway passenger business on the branch had fallen drastically. The last ordinary passenger train ran on September 20 1930

Much of the trackbed is now used as a footpath, which retains many historical railway points of interest. There are two pieces of track at Chapel Street, the Woodland Park Bridge, Meliden Goods Shed and Loading Gauge and an original crane from the Dyserth Railway at the end of the walk

Station name Opened Closed to
Prestayn 1st 1848 1897  
Prestatyn 2nd 1897  
Prestayn Chapel Street Jan 1906 Sep 1930  
Woodland Park Aug 1905 Sep 1930  
St Melyd Golf Links Oct 1923 Sep 1930  
Meliden Aug 1905 Sep 1930 Apl 1957
Allt-y-Graig Feb 1929 Sep 1930  
Dyserth Aug 1905 Sep 1930 May 1964

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