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Rhyl to Denbigh Railway
(1858 - 1955)

The Vale of Clywd Railway ran from a connection to the Chester and Holyhead Railway, to the west of Rhyl, to Denbigh. The Vale of Clywd line was a single track route but passing places were provided at intermediate stations

An extension of the line from a point just to the south of the Foryd Station, to Foryd Pier was opened in August 1864

Regular passenger services continued to pass along the line until September 19 1955 and excursion trains continued to pass through unitl 1960 and goods services continued until March 1 1965 when the Vale of Clwyd Line was closed completely and it was lifted shortly afterwards

Station name Opened Closed to
Rhyl May 1848    
Foryd Pier Oct 1865 ????  
Foryd 1st Oct 1858 Apl 1885  
Foryd 2nd Apl 1885 Oct 1948  
Rhuddlan Oct 1858 Sep 1955 Mar 1965
St Asaph Oct 1858 Sep 1955 Mar 1965
Trefant Oct 1858 Sep 1955 Aug 1957
Denbigh Oct 1858 Apl 1962  

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