
Cogle Hill Halt formerly Cogle Hill
(1870 - 1872 1875 - 1930)

Cogie Hill Halt was originally known as Cogie Hill and it was a stopping point on the Garstang & Knott End Railway (G&KER) from when the line opened on December 5 1870

At the time of opening, there were only two trains in each direction that served Cogie Hill. They ran as mixed passenger and goods

There were no passenger facilities at Cogie Hill and the exact point at which the trains stopped is not known. A platform and waiting shelter were erected to the west of the level crossing (on the south side of the line) shortly after 1893 and it is possible that this was the spot at which the trains had always stopped

The December 1895 timetable showed that Cogie Hill was only being served by four trains in each direction on Thursdays and Saturdays only

The term ‘Halt’ was being used on maps from 1912

During the 1920s, competition from buses led to a decline in passenger numbers and on March 31 1930, the LMS withdrew the passenger service from the line and Cogie Hill Halt was closed completely but goods services continued to run on the line until November 13 1950
